Boooom again! And Ulicam! And best of the year!

I just wanted to remind you all about this fabulous website where you always find inspiration. Jeff just posted his top 15 posts of 2012 and one of them is Swedish/Latvian Ulicam who I have been following for a while. It’s so nice when things you like get in touch just like this 🙂

My favourite artwork (among my own paintings) this year is probably this painting I did a couple of months ago when I was trying out different ways to portrait faces and myself and colours and feelings and stuff. Hope you like it too 🙂

self portrait


Finally I have a couple of days off! I kind of forced myself to paint and draw something today even though I was too tired. But once you start you can’t stop 🙂 Hopefully I will have more time to be creative during christmas. Tomorrow I’ll try to finish this one with some patterns and ink 🙂fishy

Sunday Sketch – From a Dream

Finally I got some time to draw again, but I’m working around 40-50 hours per week and almost every day right now so I haven’t been able to do much other stuff. Anyway here’s what I drew for the Sunday Sketch on Ellie´s blog at least 🙂 The theme was to draw something from a dream and I always dream about being in big anonymous buildings so…  here you go! 🙂


Why hair?

I’ve been working almost everyday lately. And when I’m not working I’m looking for another job which is more or less work too. And when I finnaly sit down to draw for a while I can’t come up with anything else but hair and eyeballs 😦  Always hair and eyes when there’s lack of inspiration. Well, hopefully I’ll feel more creative tomorrow.DSC_1048


I came home from Argentina on thursday, met all my friends on friday, started working on saturday, worked again on sunday, organised and cleaned my room on monday and worked again today. pffui! Haven’t had a second over for drawing or painting. I almost started to feel afraid that I would maybe get too caught up with all “important” life stuff again and not be able to keep up with the blog and my creative work. But then some nice things happened. First of all, yesterday I visited my favourite website and found this really inspiring artist Winston Chmielinski and then today Lydia wrote me this amazing comment telling me she likes my blog and all. 🙂 So, wow! I feel mighty inspired again, thank god! Or thank Lydia, Winston and Jeff. Now I’m going to finish this little painting and try out some new ideas on it. DSC_0997

Gracias Argentina!

Recien he llegado a Suecia. Me siento muy raro pero al mismo rato alegre y contenta de estar de nuevo con mi familia y con mis amigos. Igual la diferencia cultural me mata. Y aun mas la indiferencia. La “me da igual todo”, la riquesa, la gente que tiene todo y no aprecia nada. Me encanta estar aqui pero me gusta mas estar aqui sabiendo que hay un mundo que importa y gente a quien le importa el mundo. Gracias Argentina y gracias Rosario por todo el carino y la sabiduria que me han dado, nunco me olviadaré!

Torsdagstema – Magnification

Hann med nöd och näppe med denna veckans bidrag eftersom jag ägnat hela veckan till att ta farväl och packa min väska för hemresa. Fick bli en argentinsk jättefluga. Den är ungefär lika stor som mitt pekfinger i verkligheten och heter Chicharra. När jag var i Argentina fick jag chansen att se på när den föddes. Helt fantastiskt! Jag är vanligtvis livrädd för insekter, speciellt stora flygande sådana, men när jag tittade på dessa närbilder som jag tog under natten fick de mig snarare att tänka på ett magiskt väsen än en äcklig insekt. Här är fyra av de bilderna jag tog under denna helt otroliga förvandling. För fler bidrag kolla på bokkeis blogg! 🙂

more watercolors

I’m experimenting a bit with watercolors to calm my nerves before the flight on Wednesday. I’m moving back to Sweden from Argentina and I’m really nervous about the whole trip, extra weight, forgotten passport or missing the flight :S